Thursday, May 15, 2014

To Conquer is To Obey

One of the old sayings that I’ve heard growing up: “In a fight between the world and me, lets bet on the world” Yes, this makes a lot of sense – the world is much bigger and stronger by the numbers. But truth be told on MY Reality is, I spend most of my time fighting against the world and betting on myself. The unfortunate thing is, my perception of who I am is always telling me that I am RIGHT. The fact is just not true!

 Here is a relief—Not a Single IDEA was a good idea on the day that it was perceived. IDEA is just new and not necessary good. More often than not, we stop on the bad idea and never get to the good, that is when we are conquered. Look at Thomas Edison, prior to his invention, in order to create light, you have to burn something—you burn oil, wood, etc… What he wanted to create is, create light by preventing something from burning? The fact is, he spent numerous hours and hours on many many bad ideas before he got to the invention that won over the world.

 We are surrounded by an environment that is full of innovation waiting for our creativity button to be pushed. I remember Emmanuel Kant saying: “The light dove, in free flight cutting through the air the resistance of which it feels, could get the idea that it could do even better in airless space.” The fact that this is the very air that enable the dove to fly; thus, an airless space would kill the dove and everything else, for that matter.  Yes, sometimes we resisted the very environment that allows us to be creative not knowing that this is the very thing that keeps us going—bite the hands that feed you! Instead of resisting the “air”, we should ask, how can I create something with the air?

Here we go, the best way to have good idea is to have many ideas: remember QDM brain storming! If you want to think, obey the “law of thinking.” If we want to be creative, we have to “obey the law of creativity.” If we want to change, we have to “obey the law of change.” The bottom line is, “we have to obey the forces that we want to command.” Hence, in a fight between me and the world, I have to obey the law of the world in order to conquer it. But remember, some of these are not as obvious!

 Therefore, how we can conquer? Lets look at Einstein, for the new creation of the State of Israel, he was proposed to be the president of the new state. Obviously, he resisted this proposal. What about Churchill and Gandhi? [I’ve talked about this before] If we switch role between these two great leaders (Churchill-Gandhi), they would fail so as Einstein as the first president of Israel. Hence, pick the forces that you want to command and obey it’s law.

To be continue…

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