Sunday, April 7, 2024

Biblical Counseling Notes February



Misplaced of fear and worry is the beginning of anxiety. Fear and worry are not inherently bad or wrong but how we react to it that can lead to anxiety, consequently, may lead us on a path to spiritual destruction. Some of the common responses to anxiety are alcohol usages, drug usages, and other addictive behaviors that lead us astray from God’s. Most certainly, fear and worry are a key defensive emotional mechanism that practically keep us from doing things that we should not do, hence, protect us physically. There are many accounts in the bible that demonstrated how anxiety worked its way into God’s people. The account of Elijah in 1 Kings 19, is the most intriguing to me. Here’s a person that had just defeated Baal and his prophets ran away because his fear of Jezebel’s threat. This is a classic case of unnecessary amplified fear. Forgetting what God has done during the showdown with Baal’s prophets, taking his trust away from God and instead focusing on the threat from Jezebel. Thus, amplified fear that led to uncontrollable anxiety is removing trust from God. Elijah’s fear was driven by his fixation on the problem. Instead on relying on God’s promises, he complaint to God about the problem. Elijah went as far as asking God to take his life. Essentially, when our fears drive us to anxiety, our reactions will not always be biblically aligned. 


DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)

DSM are being utilized by several professions: Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Nurses, Counselors, Social Workers, Occupational & rehabilitation Therapists, and Legal Specialists. Basically, DSM takes the authoritative role and the guidelines for secular counselling just like the Bible is to biblical counselling. Hence, DSM is very consequential to how disorders are diagnosed which lead to classifications that not only the medical providers relied on, subsequently, insurance provider’s determination are based upon. DSM came out in 1952 with 60 disorders but it has changed since. The second edition came out in 1968, homosexuality was then, listed as a disorder but it was removed in 1974. The 3rd edition came out in 1980 with 265 diagnosed disorders. The current edition came out in 2012, DSM-5. Thereafter, some Text Revisions DSM were published. DSM is categorized as medical finding but there are many distinctions that challenged this line of definition. DSM is mainly concern with Symptom of disorders that are, for the most part, rooted in emotional behaviors while medical primary application is on how to diagnose and cure Diseases. Therefore, DSM is very subjective while medical model is very objective.     


Psychotropic Drugs/Addictions

Going through and learning about the type of emotional and mind-altering substance is a bit overwhelming. I have never thought about how easy it is to be trapped into an addictive behavior just because of the easy accessibility and the availability of these substances. I’ve learned about the opioid crisis from the media but never experience it firsthand with anyone close to me. This section on addiction shines a light on this issue as probably the most threaten to coming generations because: first, the level of social acceptability, second, easy access from corner stores to online merchant, and third, secular psychology sees these as fixes and coping mechanisms to lots of the human psychological problems. Secular view of addiction as a choice simply identifies the power center of the addiction within the users; hence, it is up to the person to get off from it. As biblical counselors, we look at addictions as a sin problem in need of a savior. Therefore, it is very critical for biblical counselling to actively emerge on the scene; hence, we must seek to regenerate lives rather than momentary fixes.  “We urge you, brothers, admonish the idol, cheer the fainthearted, support the weak, be patient with all. See that no on returns evil for evil; rather seek what is good for each other and for all.”  1 Thessalonians 5:14-15. As biblical counselors, we seek out those with addiction and provide them with biblical truth by ministering God’s words. We need to bring the Hope that we are experiencing, “we have this Hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.” Hebrew 6:19-20.


Process of Change  

Methodology is essentially Christ Centered

Goal of Change -> Process of change

Process of change starts with HEAT – Circumstances (Situation) leads to two types of responses: Godly response and Sinful Responses. Anger & Anxiety (Thorns) are examples of Sinful responses. Keep in mind that these are not the main problem. Oftentimes, the focal point of most treatments are Anger and Anxiety but failed to reach the roots of the problems. Picture this like a tree—there is the root, the stem, the branches, the leaves, and thorns. Everything happen from the ROOTS, the only way to change this is with the Holy Spirit. Hence, secular response if often targeted at treating the thorns and not touch the roots at all. The symptoms are removed but the root causes are still rest at the roots. This is the fundamental distinction between secular counseling and biblical counselling. No matter what the language that secular methods is utilizing they cannot touch the heart or the root. God is the creator of the heart, and He is the only one that can change the heart. Therefore, as human that fall short, Christ has completed us by dying on the cross. The Holy Spirit work through the bible and move us through the forgiveness of Christ through the Cross to change our desires. Secular counselling advocates that us/human change people as some sort of self-centered healing. However, the only thing we can do is to modify behaviors. God in the super-natural that can change people through God’s Grace. The Process of change go from the root of sinful response through the Cross to the root of Godly response. While we cannot change people, we can direct people to the power of the Holy Spirit with the guidance of the Bible through the Cross toward the roots of Godly response. This process is Christ centered that will produce the fruits of the spirit. As we move toward Godly response, everything that we do is rooted in God. True change comes with new heart that is rooted in God. “And I will give them one heart, and new spirit I will put with them. I will remove the heart of stone from their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in my statutes and keep my rules and obey them.” Ezekiel 11:19  


Guilt and Repentance  

Guilt in our lives is often associated with shameful thoughts about something that happen to us in the past, association with tragic past events, perhaps fall short of an expectation set by parents, crime committed, or someone that we caused harm to in the past. Secular counselling response to Guilt is forgive oneself—self forgiveness. The other option is to put blame others—it was not your fault! Nevertheless, Biblical Counselling understands that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by His grace as a gift, through redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith.” Romans 3:23-25. Guilt and Shame can only resolve through Christ because Guilt and Sin goes together. Let’s look at the Guilt: is the guilt rooted in what God’s said, what your parents said, or someone else said? By evaluating Romans 3:23, we are all guilty. That is our status in the eyes of God. Secular Counselling dismissed this status and reassigned it to just a feeling so that they can deal with it in the human level. It is either a false felling or feeling that was caused by others. Guilt is associated with violating God’s laws. We were born with a status of a sinners and through the regeneration of a new creature in Christ, our new status is in Christ. However, we often associate certain feeling with guilt but that is not the guilt that Roman 3 is talking about. Let’s look at Proverbs 28:13 “Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.” Concealing transgression is carrying guilt and will not proper. But those who “acknowledged [their] sin to you and [] did not cover [their] iniquity [and] confess [their] transgressions to the Lord [will be forgiven]” Psalm 32:5. Clearly, carrying quilt is not desired by God but confession of quilt is not only desired by God but obtain His mercy.  


Grief and Crisis Counseling

Essential question in front of us here is what level of lost, danger, suffering, that ultimately cause grief. Culturally, suffering may cause by various events and the level of sufferings are define by individual cultural preferences; however, we must define Grief and suffering from a biblical perspective. It is comforting to know that the suffering that we experienced and endured in this world is only temporarily as we look forward “to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for {us}.” 1 Peter 1:4. Nevertheless, how do we comfort those that suffer grief? First and foremost, pray, this is applicable in every situation. But remember that the approach must be with care, love, and compassionate. Second, share hope, speak truth but always with love and this is time to be kind and love, and third, act with compassionate Service. Oftentimes a person that goes through grief has many personal needs from shelter, food, or just a listening ear. We are to look for these needs and provide them compassionately to the best of our ability. The church as a body response to grief and crisis must be done in unity. The church serves her purposes by standing together under God and be the light to those suffering in this world. The church must focus on God’s strength and acknowledge our weaknesses. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly of my weakness, so that power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthian 12:9-11. The entire template of Jesus’s life demonstrated not only life of compassion but humbleness. This is the template that the church should follow. Let’s be creative on how to be a compassionate team! In the gospel of Matthew 14:14 while the disciples had other ideas on what to do with the crowd, Jesus was moved with compassion “when Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and heal their sick.” We must be moved with compassionate care for those that are going through grief and crisis. Look for services, the small acts, be a servant as a witness that will encourage others to serve. Make sure that we always point them to the scripture. We can only do this by knowing the scripture. It is a good idea to have a toolbox of scriptures that we can apply to each crisis. Ministering scripture will take the counselee through born again, equipping for the new journey, instruction and hope, nourishment for growth into infinite growth in Christ.  


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