Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Kukukuku Ama Taki

 Foa e Kaniva he kuo mafoa e ata

Kali ko Mavaetangi si'oto 'ofa'anga 

Ta'alo mai he kuo te tuku vakaa

2020 kuoke pulupulu tauanga'aa

Pulonga'i e taufaa kuo kahoa 'aki 'a lo'imata

Kukukuku 'a ama takiloa ki he 2021

He kuo 'alaha mai e feohi moe 'Otua

koe fakamavae mo Pulileka 

Biblical Counseling Notes February

  Anxiety Misplaced of fear and worry is the beginning of anxiety. Fear and worry are not inherently bad or wrong but how we react to it t...