Friday, November 28, 2014

Vulnerability of my Soul

My sweet soul that occupied everything but inhabit nothing

Imagine how it could be?

How I don’t fit into your pattern?

Imagine how it could be?

How could I have woven a new pattern?

Imagine how it could be?

Pattern that woven around the vulnerability of my soul

Imagine how it could be?

Dancing to the Defenseless Pattern of my in-habitation 

Imagine how it could be?

This life I live, happiness is my choice?

Imagine how it could be?

This life I live, sorrow is my choice?

Imagine how it could be? 

Vulnerability show me your strength

Imagine how it could be?

Faith I may follow from the nothingness of thy self

Imagine how it could be?

For death I will be, usher me my savior

Imagine how it could be?

Thanksgiving will always 

Imagine how it could be?

                   - Tanga'otalakepa 11/28/2014 

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